Hello fellow true crime nerds, as stated above in the title this blog does include graphic descriptions of murder and sexual abuse that some readers may find distressing, please only read on if you are comfortable to do so.
I am one of those people that finds myself intrigued by true crime, especially serial killers (Ted Bundy and Fred West ranking highly for me). While planning our trip across the USA (a blog to come on that soon), I stumbled across the death museum in LA and put it straight on the list of places to visit. This got me thinking of travelling for places of interest in relation to true crime events! How insanely cool and interesting would that be? No? Just me? Oh, awkward.
Any hoo, if you do think that'd be really interesting then please read on, if not, you're at the wrong blog.
Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks...
The unsolved axe murders of 1892. Andrew and Abby Borden were found murdered in their home on the morning of August 4th, gruesomely attacked with an axe. Lizzie alerted the maid when she 'found' her fathers body. This lead to an extensive search of the house by police resulting in them finding the body of Abby, the step-mother, upstairs. Lizzie became the main suspect and it shocked the town that a young (32), devoted (still lived at home) daughter could be accused of such a horrific crime. In 1893 Lizzie was acquitted and lived out the remainder of her days in the same town. The murder remains a mystery.
Sounds super spooky right? So, how about you book a nights stay at the b'n'b run in the family home? Yep. That's right. The home where these brutal murders took place is now a b'n'b/museum. What weirdo would want to spend a night there I hear you say? Me. The answer is me! Book me a room and let me soak up those spooky a*s vibes. If you don't fancy facing a full night in the bloody bedrooms you can partake in a daylight tour, an evening ghost tour or for the brave amongst us, a night time ghost hunt. For more information and to book, click here!

(Image from country living magazine, 2017).
I'll be back, I'll be back...
No, its not terminator...its the chilling last words of convicted female serial killer Aileen Wuornos. After a pretty terrible childhood, crowded with sexual abuse, drugs and alcohol, Aileen went on to become a very troubled adult who supported her habitats by prostituting herself. Towards the end of 1989 Aileen began her 12 month killing spree where she took the lives of 7 (innocent?) men. Aileen testified that she was acting in self defense, but girl, shooting someone 9 times doesn't really fit with self defense. These men were supposedly forcing themselves upon Aileen, forcing sexual acts from her and on her. One of her victims was a convicted rapist and one was a convicted child abuser, so innocent? I dunno. Innocent with regards to Aileen? Again, it's unclear. Either way, Aileen, you can't shoot someone 9 times, hide the body and then claim self defense!
Early January 1991, police arrested Aileen in 'The Last Resort Bar' Florida, where she was enjoying (unknown to her) her final drink. The bar is much unchanged from the early 90's days when Aileen would frequent there. The main changes include photographs of Aileen, a list of her victims and a unique 'crazed killer' hot sauce. So why not pop on over to this biker heavy pub and enjoy what might be your last drink...(just kidding, why would it be your last drink, you haven't brutally murdered 7 men and hid their bodies. Right?...).

(image from mail online, 2013)
Villisca police arrested Sam Moyer. Produced Alibi. Released.
Unsolved axe murder house...am I having a déjà vu? Nope. Apparently, Americans really favoured an axe as a murder weapon in the late 1890s/early 1910s.
The Villisca murders were reported to the police on the morning of June 10th 1912 because "the family didn't appear to do their morning chores". Imagine. Your murder only get's discovered because the neighbour notices you haven't weeded your garden. Jheez. Anyway, 8 people lay brutally murdered in this Iowa house, 6 of which were children. After a detailed investigation, many arrests and two trials, no conviction was ever made, thus giving us yet another unsolved axe murder.
Cigarette butts in the attic of the house suggested that the killer(s) waited for the family and their two guests to go to bed before starting their gruesome attacks. The two adults were attacked first, with Josiah receiving the most blows out of all the victims. He was mutilated so badly that his face was unrecognisable and his eyes were missing. All the victims apart from one were believed to have been asleep when they were killed. 12 year old Lena was found in a disturbed bed with a defensive wound to her arm, indicating she fought back. Unfortunately, she was also found with her nightgown above her waist and no underwear on, suggesting the killer(s) attempted sexual abuse.
You can visit this horrific murder house for daylight tours or, brave it, and spend the night! For more information and to book, click here.

(image from mysteries unsolved, 2021)
They found the cook, a 70 year old women, chained to the stove by her ankle.
Delphine LaLauria. Heard of her? You will have done if you've watched American Horror Story. Delphine was a lady of society in New Orleans and had many slaves within her home. April 10th, 1834, a fire breaks out at her home. The responders find a 70 year old lady chained to the stove by her ankle, admitting to starting the fire as a suicide attempt. She believed this to be a better option than receiving the punishment Delphine was promising her. A search of the house uncovered an attic full of abused and mutilated slaves, showing evidence of brutal attacks over a long period of time. The city was outraged, LaLauria mansion was mobbed and Delphine fled to Paris where she remained for the rest of her life. The original LaLauria mansion was burnt down (cause unknown) but a replica has been rebuilt in the same spot and is well worth a visit!

(image from Metro, 2019)
"The house ruined my life and I continue to have nightmares to this day"
6 intense murders, a swimming pool and a boathouse. Sure, why wouldn't you purchase this house for a bargain price?! 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr shoots 6 of his family members dead in their home, soon to become known as the Amityville horror house. 1975, the Lutz family move in, lasting only 28 days in the house before fleeing due to been terrorized by a paranormal presence. There is a lot of debate around the Lutzs claims of paranormal activity, but this doesn't take away from the fact a 23 year old man murdered his entire family in that house. He was convicted of six murders and sentenced to six life sentences. He later died in custody in March 2021.
The house still stands at 108 Ocean Avenue (originally 112). Since the murders there have been 4 other families live there before being sold in 2017 to an unknown buyer.

(image from Long island hub, 2021)
The devil's child.
The devils child is what Jeremy Bambers adoptive mother called his adoptive sister, Shelia, when she found her sunbathing naked with her boyfriend at the age of 17. This comment would not age well, at all. Shelia suffered with schizophrenia and was at a particular low point when her family decided she may benefit from some time at the family house with her two twin boys. Shelia didn't have the best relationship with her mother, but her brother and father gave her the comfort and support she needed. Or so she thought. August 7th, 1985, Jeremy claims he gets a call from his father saying that Shelia has 'gone berserk' with a rifle. Between Shelia, her adoptive parents and her twin boys there had been 25 shots fired from the rifle. Shelia was found slumped up her parents bed with the rifle aimed at her head.
Thorough investigations showed that Shelia could not have fired the trigger herself to cause the TWO bullet wounds she had, as with the silencer on the barrel, she would not be able to reach the trigger. It was also uncovered that Jeremy did not receive a phone call from his father, so how was he aware of the murders at 3.30am when he alerted the police? Alerted them from a phone box near the farm house, as he had 'driven over there after he got the call from his father'. Hmm. Not looking good for Jeremy here is it?
Ultimately, Jeremy was arrested for the murders and convicted October 1986. His motive is believed to be financial, which is supported by the fact that while in prison he has launched 2 (unsuccessful) lawsuits to get his percentage of money from the family estate. Guess he needs all that money for prison snacks and stuff...
The White House farm is still standing in a village near Essex and is now used by a classic car rental company. Definitely worth a drive by to see where Bamber committed such horrific crimes.

(image from The mirror, 2020)
Killing for company.
Dennis Nilsen. Need I say more? I don't really need to explain about this serial killer, David Tennant did this justice in the ITV 2020 series Des. Briefly, for those of you that aren't up to speed on Des, he would attract homosexual men, take them back to his flat, kill them and then keep their bodies for 'company'. He would sometimes bathe the bodies, sit them on the sofa next to him, watch TV with them and talk to them. He would do this until maggots started to infest the body. He would then dispose of the body, sometimes cutting them up and flushing parts of the body down the toilet, sometimes putting them under the floorboards and sometimes burning them in the garden.
His crimes came to the surface when there was a complaint about a sewer blockage in the house where his flat was (is). When the company came to unblock the drains they discovered the body parts Des had flushed down his toilet. Police searched his flat and found the rest of the body in 2 large black bin bags in his wardrobe. On the way to the station, the police officer asked Des, are we talking about one or two bodies here? To which Des calmly replied, '15 or 16'. Des also expressed a lot of concern about his dog while he was in custody. He was giving the police all the information they asked for about the murders, the victims, the locations. The only time he showed emotion was when he asked about his dog and who was looking after him. Relatable.
Despite the gruesome horrors that took place in 2 of Nilsens homes, they are still standing today and are residential, housing normal families. So although you can drive by and see these houses, just remember that they are now peoples homes so, don't hang around!

(image from Daily mail, 2020)
They hang us now in Shrewsbury jail.
So, not quite along the same lines as all the places listed above, but, still an insanely interesting place to visit to learn about British murderers. Also a great opportunity to see the place where the last execution at Shrewsbury prison took place in 1961. There is a variety of options including a guided tour, a self-guided tour and a ghost tour! To find out more and to book your tour, click here.
Happy travelling, crime nerds.
P.S. if you go to any of these places, please show me! Tag me in your posts on instagram (@bilbo.h) or send them to me direct!